What is Abstract Art?
>A 20th century deconstruction of form
and the dissolution of Representation,
beyond the physical into the spiritual,
deepening humanity's ability to express emotion
through pure color and form.......
What does the term abstract mean?
1)conceived apart from concrete realities, specific objects, or actual instances
an abstract idea
2)expressing a quality or characteristic apart from any specific object or instance.
as justice, poverty, and speed
3)theoretical; not applied or practical: abstract science
4)difficult to understand; abstruse
5)pertaining to the visual arts:
a>pertaining to the formal aspect of art, emphasizing lines, colors, generalized geomentric forms, esp. with reference to their relationship to each other
b>pertaining to the nonrepresentational art styles of the 20th century.........................
}>21st century visionary-reactionary
New Romantic Actionary Expressionism
yes, yes, yes. Jackson Pollock and Pablo Picasso changed everything.
But there's so much more.
The Dadaists did everything.
But there's so much they never had access to.
All of the great early 20th century movements
and now it is time to do something
and now it is time to do something
here in the 21st century,
we have computers,
global communication through
digital waves, radio, tv computer
turntables, electroeverything.
airplanes, terrorists, bankrupt empires.
here in America we have the Patriot Act
and an unjust war.
People throwaway everything
altho there's SOME recycling going on
we must become
to make art that is relevant to
to make art that is relevant to
our time, this epoch.
from inner need and outer poverty
comes the desperate urge
to invent and concoct
revolutionary artistic techniques
transmuting trash into high art
that maybe no one will comprehend till
we who are Actionaries
die and then the confused masses
can lay flowers on our forgotten graves....
nothing matters

1 comment:
Meaning is in the eye of the beholder like beauty.
One mans trash pile is another mans workshop!!
I dig this post!!
I think you are a true artist because you challenge yourself and your peers about what expression is and how free you really are
Diggin it my brotha
You should make a list board for upcoming shows up at the top
ok im done
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